
Wednesday 20 March 2019

Blog candy winners up date .. if this you ??

My blog candy giveaway has just 11 days remaining... how fast has this month gone. Don't forget to visit here every day and enter simply by leaving a comment. So far we have had 17 winners more will be drawn today.

There are just a few ladies I still need to get in touch with me to claim their prize so if you are one of the following please do get in touch with me my email is

Ger Farren


You ladies were drawn in my latest YouTube winners video which you can see below .. please do get in touch as I would love to be able to send you some goodies.

I will be back later today with a cute 3d project for you all. It is my Daughters 12th birthday tomorrow so I am on mummy duty ensuring she has a fab day tomorrow so my blog post for the next project isn't ready yet …. so make sure you pop back later today and see what it is.

Have a fantastic day huge huge hugs x Amanda


  1. Congratulations to the winners xxx

  2. Great listening to you. Congratulations to all the winners.

  3. Wow! I have never won any goodies lol. Thank you so much! Congrats to the other winners! I will msg you my details. Hugs xx

  4. Hi Amanda - Thank you so much - you are very generous. Good luck to others taking part. xx

  5. Congratulations to all the winners. You have been really generous. I hope your daughter has a very happy birthday tomorrow.

  6. Congratulations to all the winners, sorry this is a little late but I thought I had left a post but maybe it was on YouTube and not here!!
    Love ~ Lady Anne xxx
