
Sunday 9 September 2018

20,000 subscriber giveaway and a challenge....

To say thank you to all my YouTube subscribers and to celebrate going to 20,00 subscribers I am hosting a giveaway and a challenge.

To enter the give away you ned to watch my YouTube video below and follow the instructions . Suer easy no purchases necessary, nothing to send its all free. Winners drawn on September 20th 2018.

In addition I am hosting a challenge #scrimpyscardswap. All you have to do is send me a card and I will share it on my channel and send you one right back !! super easy and super fun lets get swapping !!!. Anyone anywhere can join this challenge and it runs for as long as anyone wishes to take part.

So grab a brew, get comfy and watch for details on my giveaway and my #scrimpyscardswap.

Happy stamping xxx Amanda



  1. Congratulations Amanda on your 20000nd subscribers my favourite you tube tutorial was on the shacker card when you used contraband dimensional tape and you couldn't get the back off properly and ended up putting dsp over it to put the cards into it to show how it worked still makes me smile now love to watch you you've worked so hard getting where you are you deserve the world your amazing at what you do xx

  2. 30th July I first subscribed. My favourite so far is the Christmas tags.

  3. I will send you a card from Spain xx
